Moving is an experience that nobody looks forward to. 47% of those who have recently moved have stated that the process produced increased levels of stress and anxiety. If a move is in your future, there are steps you can take to eliminate any unwanted stress.
First things first, procure a checklist of your upcoming tasks. From transferring utilities to hiring a pet or babysitter, the tasks will begin to pile up no matter how big or small. The checklist will help you organize your tasks based on importance and urgency. Also, it may be a good idea to reach out to the moving company you plan on hiring to inquire about a moving timeline guide.
Next, go room by room through your space and take inventory of your belongings. Any unwanted items should be thrown away or donated to create space. Plus, that way you have less to move to your new location. Also, be aware of anything that requires delicate packaging, such as glass.
Finally, consume any perishable food. This reduces waste as well as what you bring with you. Empty the kitchen cabinets and defrost the freezer, if necessary, since these tasks are time-consuming and may take a while.
For more tips on the topic, check out the accompanying resource created by Best of Utah Moving.
Infographic provided by Best of Utah Moving, Salt Lake City specialists in moving services
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