Replacing windows is an expensive process, so maximize your return on investment. It’s often more cost-effective to replace windows all at once – but it can depend on the size and style of windows in your home. Here are five tips for maximizing your return with replacement windows and increasing the value of your home:
1. Make sure you have enough windows to recoup costs
Before buying new windows, check how many windows you currently have, as well as what sizes they are, and how much your local window dealer charges. By putting these numbers into a calculator, you’ll get a rough idea of what it will cost to complete the job based on existing openings. You should also research the cost of new windows to give you an understanding of how much your return will be after installation.
2. Prioritize windows that affect your home’s energy efficiency
A good rule of thumb is to replace windows based on their level of energy efficiency, rather than by age or style. The windows with the most impact are those facing the sun, like south-facing windows and large glass doors leading out to patios and porches. If your house was built before 1980, chances are it has a single-pane; if this sounds familiar, make sure they’re replaced as soon as possible for maximum impact on energy costs.
3. Check whether your windows need repairs
If there’s any damage to the frames or sills, it might not be worth replacing windows until such damages have been fixed first. This is especially true for older homes with single-pane where oxidation has led to small cracks and leaks around the windows and doors. Repairing such windows is often more cost-effective than replacing them.
4. Look closely at windows that don’t open
Windows without moving parts often have the lowest level of energy efficiency in any house. Including these in your replacement plan can reduce your costs in the long run if they’re replaced with windows that slide open instead. There is also a chance that they have been damaged by weather or home improvement projects over time and need to be replaced for this reason as well.
5. Consider windows with low-maintenance options
The windows you choose should be durable and built to last for decades, which often means that they don’t need much upkeep or replacement parts. At the same time, they should be easy to clean and free of defects that could lead to leaks later on. A good example of windows that meet these criteria is fiberglass. They’re available in a variety of configurations, which can help you find the perfect match for your needs.
When considering what windows to replace first come up with an idea of how much it will cost per window or door depending on if they open or not. Make sure you have enough windows to recoup the costs because each window has different costs. Prioritize windows that are the most energy-efficient windows because they have the biggest impact on your energy costs then go after those that need repairs or don’t open.
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